Business in Virtual Worlds

Virtual Worlds: Overlay on the Real

The term Metaverse is meant to elevate our thinking beyond game environments and “3D virtual worlds” and remind us that the ability to walk through information can be both immersive and augmented. In other words, to highlight that the metaverse is inclusive of both immersive 3D worlds and the overlay of information over the world itself (which is, of course, 3D already!)

With the new year prognositcators (myself included) already proclaiming 2008 the year of virtual worlds, better to make a quick amendment and call it the Year of the Metaverse, because the real kicker might come out of augmented reality.

Great example of being able to “access the real world grid” comes from Everyscape. This might also be a peek at what a virtual Google might look like – probably developed on the Google Earth backbone in some sort of standardized development platform and API.

The Metaverse will include something like Second Life, little 3D appliances attached to social Web sites like mySpace, and the ability to wander through the real world and see information overlays. Throw in an avatar and the ability to interact with others in the same “Everyscape” and then take it on the road (heads-up displays in your sunglasses anyone?) and you start to get a sense of what the metaverse will look like.


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