Art and Exploration, Second Life

NY Times Rave: Arias with a Twist

Front of the arts in today’s Times, a rave of “Arias with a Twist”, proving perhaps that reality can still be as entertaining as virtuality. And I wonder, if this review can appear in the Times, and if people can put this sort of content *gasp* on a stage without being shut down, then why is the adults-only Second Life World acting more like it’s Disney’s Main Street when in fact it’s probably a lot closer to Broadway.

Have a read….actually, it somewhat sounds like the NPIRL Garden:

(Scenes) include Mr. Arias tumbling through space and landing in a glorious Edenic rain forest; eating a magic mushroom that takes him straight to hell; stalking Manhattan as a 50-foot woman; and, at last, arriving at a cozy little boîte to sing soulfully before being propelled into the dizzying realm of a Busby Berkeley fantasy number.

The apparitions that show up in these locales are often delightful (the blissful marionette jazz ensemble) and sometimes sinister (the giant slithering serpent in the rainforest). Flowers blossom before your eyes; white-gloved hands, ice cream cones and cymbal-banging monkeys float through the air; and what looks like the entire island of Manhattan materializes as a sky-scraping Oz.

Did I mention the rotating wedding cake? And how about those giant dancing devil puppets, which move like Las Vegas chorus boys? Their outsized assets include flailing phalluses, a reminder that though children might find much to revel in here, this is definitely not a kiddie show.

Although maybe, just maybe, Linden really is thinking of merging the Teen and main grids, as Sean I think was the first to speculate.

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