Er, insert a comma before statistics, because while there’s no shortage of stats, these are stats for search. Using Google Trends, following shows the search index volume for Second Life, OpenSim and Virtual World(s).
Didn’t check Open Spaces. Too many charts at the end of the day makes my head swim.
We prepare a publically accessible statistic system that shows the current demographic trends in Second Life and all the other OpenSimulator grids by life data aqusition.
The service will be available soon and uses real grid information. We expect it to show a trend comparable to the above grahics as outcome.
Greetings from the real world,
Kai Ludwig
TalentRaspel virtual worlds Ltd.
So, what is the scale of the vertical axis on that graph, Dusan?
@Justin -
It’s something called search volume index. They’re a wee bit vague, but define it all here:
“Google Trends analyzes a portion of Google web searches to compute how many searches have been done for the terms you enter, relative to the total number of searches done on Google over time. We then show you a graph with the results – our Search Volume Index graph. “