Comments on: Interfaces Redux: Touch Screen Prims? Virtual worlds and creativity, business, collaboration, and identity. Mon, 01 Dec 2008 02:05:01 +0000 By: Vint Falken Vint Falken Thu, 27 Nov 2008 23:02:27 +0000 Looks more tiresome than using mouse though, as mouse is a small movement, enlarged to a bigger one on the screen. On format iPhone it's (awesomeness)² but on a 23" screen using touch screen would become fitness? (that and I would constantly flip over my drink on the desk) Looks more tiresome than using mouse though, as mouse is a small movement, enlarged to a bigger one on the screen. On format iPhone it’s (awesomeness)² but on a 23″ screen using touch screen would become fitness? (that and I would constantly flip over my drink on the desk)
