Comments on: Resident Protests Grow: Lively Crowd Pleads for Life Virtual worlds and creativity, business, collaboration, and identity. Mon, 01 Dec 2008 02:05:11 +0000 By: Sigmund Leominster Sigmund Leominster Sun, 30 Nov 2008 17:24:19 +0000 @Vint: "Can't we just send them an invitation to SL?" Oh my Lord no! Do we really want "those people" flooding our land and taking our camping jobs? I've been to Lively and I've seen "their type." Why, they even LOOK odd, with their pointy heads and skinny bodies. They just don't look normal. And will they bring any money or good with them? No! Lively had none of these so all they will do is gobble up our freebies, beg for Lindens, and harass our womenfolk. It's time to take a stand against these foreigners looking to change the very fabric of our society with their "strange beliefs" and "bizarre practices. Why, they don't even know how to fly! I, for one, say "No!" to the wholesale dilution of our virtual purity. I say "No!" to the excessive burden on our already fragile economy. And I say "No!" to End of Civilization As We Know It!! Anyone with me? @Vint: “Can’t we just send them an invitation to SL?”

Oh my Lord no! Do we really want “those people” flooding our land and taking our camping jobs? I’ve been to Lively and I’ve seen “their type.” Why, they even LOOK odd, with their pointy heads and skinny bodies. They just don’t look normal.

And will they bring any money or good with them? No! Lively had none of these so all they will do is gobble up our freebies, beg for Lindens, and harass our womenfolk.

It’s time to take a stand against these foreigners looking to change the very fabric of our society with their “strange beliefs” and “bizarre practices. Why, they don’t even know how to fly!

I, for one, say “No!” to the wholesale dilution of our virtual purity. I say “No!” to the excessive burden on our already fragile economy. And I say “No!” to End of Civilization As We Know It!!

Anyone with me?

By: Ser Ser Fri, 28 Nov 2008 18:29:41 +0000 Perhaps the Livelyzens can check out Just Leap In, at To me it seemed a lot like Lively, but better looking. Actual Lively users may disagree, though.. Perhaps the Livelyzens can check out Just Leap In, at To me it seemed a lot like Lively, but better looking. Actual Lively users may disagree, though..

By: Doreen Garrigus Doreen Garrigus Fri, 28 Nov 2008 16:24:27 +0000 I would love to see the residents raise the money to buy Lively, and then form a co-op to run the thing. The first user-operated virtual world... I would love to see the residents raise the money to buy Lively, and then form a co-op to run the thing. The first user-operated virtual world…

By: kripken kripken Fri, 28 Nov 2008 10:28:34 +0000 >> So, power to the Livelyzens. Maybe instead of shuttering Lively, Google can be persuaded to sell it off: it’s a world made by its residents, after all, shouldn’t they have a say in what happens to it? How about combining both of those thoughts: Sell it off to those residents themselves. Or maybe just charge a monthly usage fee. But of course that won't happen. Virtual world servers cost money, almost certainly more than the residents want to pay. So what they're really doing is asking Google to keep footing the bill. >> So, power to the Livelyzens. Maybe instead of shuttering Lively, Google can be persuaded to sell it off: it’s a world made by its residents, after all, shouldn’t they have a say in what happens to it?

How about combining both of those thoughts: Sell it off to those residents themselves. Or maybe just charge a monthly usage fee.

But of course that won’t happen. Virtual world servers cost money, almost certainly more than the residents want to pay. So what they’re really doing is asking Google to keep footing the bill.

By: Vint Falken Vint Falken Thu, 27 Nov 2008 20:38:42 +0000 Can't we just all send them an invitation to SL? Can’t we just all send them an invitation to SL?
