Comments on: Immersive Workspaces, Second Life and the State of My Confusion Virtual worlds and creativity, business, collaboration, and identity. Mon, 15 Dec 2008 07:28:35 +0000 By: Graham Mills Graham Mills Fri, 12 Dec 2008 21:43:13 +0000 I think there is a problem for education too. A few gifted individuals can reach critical mass but the solutions for the majority at an institutional level are currently too hard to capture, package and differentiate. For universities, the need to be seen outweighs the need to be safe but how hard is it to temporarily close an island anyway (and isn't it Qwaq BTW)? I think there is a problem for education too. A few gifted individuals can reach critical mass but the solutions for the majority at an institutional level are currently too hard to capture, package and differentiate.

For universities, the need to be seen outweighs the need to be safe but how hard is it to temporarily close an island anyway (and isn’t it Qwaq BTW)?
