Meerkat is by far the most creator-friendly.
As for Cool SL, GreenLife Emerald and Gemini - they all seem based on each other (in that order) - with slight additional features added along the way.
And My the way, the “trojan/malware” rumor is about as serious and accurate as that news being spread that someone is teleporting around the grid with a scripted object that wipes-out entire private sim regions and deletec everything from your inventory. :\
The fact of the matter is this: first, as a creator it would be quite conceited of me to run around paranoid that my creations are even worth copy-botting.
Second, even if they were, the grid is massive. You remember when concurrency was around 6000? That’s about the time Copybot made it’s debut. Certainly panic was in the air (we all remember that fiasco.)
But with cincurrency hovering at 60-70,000 (meaning about 20,000 of live people who aren’t bots - snickers) - it’s not quite as alarming because there are a lot more customers to ‘go around’.
I am not making light of stoeln designs and copybot’s stuff. I am saying is that we have become desensitized to it. Before the movie “Saving Private Ryan” - nothing of the sort was ever created. We were SHOCKED.
Watch it agin. Now. Try not to fall asleep.
See my point?
(Version 6)
It would violate the license NOT to release it.