Speculation about the announcement due from Linden Lab at the end of the SL5B celebrations has run the gamut from a lowering of tiers, to a Mozilla-like open sourcing of the code, to “who cares, it’s unstable anyways”.
Now, a blank page on the Second Life site may hold a clue, or may be a hoax by some coder with lots of time on his hands or big dreams.
The following is embedded in the source code of a blank page:
“placeholer page for XBOX, PS3, and iPhone versions of client when they launch next real soon now”
Fun to dream anyways.
So, Elvis is in the building?
Traces back to LINDEN-RESE.car2.SanFrancisco1.Level3.net
Have Linden been taking lessons at the Apple school of marketing?
Hahaha. I just love this kind of thing.
*Pais looks at his browser’s address field wondering, “Is the Dusan’s blog or the Drudge Report?”*
No wonder they made voice a priority…your blog entry suggests that Linden is moving away from personal computers and keyboards altogether.
[…] no steenkin’ keyboards! Posted on June 30, 2008 by Morris Vig Dusan Writer unearths a hint as to the Grid’s future direction in the Second Life ™ code that he found on a placeholder […]
[…] Linden Lab at the end of the fith birthday celebrations of Second Life (that would be July 7). On Dusan’s Writer Metaverse I read about a shocking discovery: The following is embedded in the source code of a blank […]
[…] l’agence Reuters qui relaie cette info issue du blog de Dusan Writer qui aurait trouver par hasard, sur le site de Second Life, le communiqué suivant […]
I would love to have the PS3 version, the PS3 would rip it up compared to most people’s personal computers. Plus movement using the PS3 sixaxis? YES! A fall down to the ground and the controller vibrates? Don’t get me started… I’ve been searching “SecondLife” and “PS3″ for months now hoping to find any story like this with any plans for SL to hit PS3.
[…] Lab today dampened speculation that Second Life is about to be ported to the XBox, that Mitch will open source the whole the like Mozilla, or what held the most promise for the […]