
Quick Link: Will Wright Says Second Life is On the Right Track

Second Life fits into the trend towards narcissism and emotional involvement in games, says Will Wright, developer of the popular Spore and the Sims franchise. In an interview reported by CNet, Wright reviews the trend to ego in games:

Advancements in technology have made it possible for the customization craze of the social-networking world to permeate the console and PC gaming sectors, and that has begun to open up the industry to new users who didn’t see the appeal in hardcore gaming or immersive role-playing virtual universes.

He suggested that virtual world Second Life was on the right track by making it possible for members to create elaborate in-game items, but they were too difficult for most members to partake in. “The sophistication…was pretty high,” Wright said. “For a lot of people, programming does not sound like entertainment.”

Now, whether SL residents are all a bunch of narcissists I won’t speculate. Who cares - if Wright says it’s on the right track that’s a start, although I agree - a simpler user interface would sure go a long way to taking away the “programming as entertainment” element. On the other hand, there are exponentially more consumers of content in SL than creators, and based on the number of 8 foot model-like avatars they might not BE narcissists, but they don’t mind playing one virtually.


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