I’m always impressed with Ted Talks, so to see Philip’s speech at Serious Play posted.
At least he wasn’t dressed like he was at Burning Life. (Thanks Vint for the find! :))
I’m always impressed with Ted Talks, so to see Philip’s speech at Serious Play posted.
At least he wasn’t dressed like he was at Burning Life. (Thanks Vint for the find! :))
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For those people interested in Philip Linden speeches: I would suggest this speech and Q & A he did in Amsterdam recently.
Cool talk - it was worth sitting through all 28 minutes since even the Q&A part in the second half brought up interesting points and reflection.
I am interested in how to describe the “juice” that gives SL interaction a more compelling experience than other computer-based interaction, and he touched on this best, I think, when he compared the typical mode of moving through information on the web - his example being shopping on Amazon where thousands of others are also simultaneously shopping but you can’t just turn to them and ask someone in the same area as you their opinion. Thus, the point being made is that humans are inherently social beings and a virtual world feed this part of ourselves that is otherwise missing or less actionable in the other hypertext-based web of the internet.
At the end, there was a question about a statement “we may come to prefer our digital selves” and the recoil that people have at such a “frightening disruption” at the kinds of change virtual worlds will likely bring, but the genie is out of the bottle now, that disruptive change is inevitable now, and we are in for an amazing ride.
I have to agree.