
Scenecaster’s 2.5% Daily Growth – The Quiet App

Scenecaster deserves a second look – with all the talk of virtual worlds, Metaplace, Second Life, OpenSim, Kaneva and There.com, GigaOM reports that Scenecaster is reporting growth at 2.5% a day.

I previously covered Scenecaster and included this assessment:

What’s interesting (about Scenecaster) is that the object, in this case a stool, is tagged to search results from Google, eBay and Amazon. This is one of the things that’s attracting academia to initiatives like Croquet – the ability to link virtual spaces into shared reference pools. They may not want to link objects out to eBay, but they MAY want to link out to class Web sites, Medline, or Google Scholar.

Linden promises that Web pages in SL are coming – not soon enough, perhaps. For users to be able to tag their content and then have those tags link out to external APIs would be powerful. It might also provide the sort of branding platform that corporations need to be convinced of an ROI beyond user visits or views. Linking from object tags to a Facebook, eBay, Amazon, or proprietary API can create the sort of cross linkages and traffic that companies need to justify their investment in empty stores and inefficient billboards.

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